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UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) Policy Briefs
The UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) Policy Briefs provide research and policy analysis on global macroeconomic trends and prospects, frontier issues, emerging issues, and issues associated with countries in special situations, in the broad context of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. They provide information on cross-cutting development issues and related issues that are of interest to the international community and particularly researchers, academics, policy makers, the media and the private sector.
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Net Wealth Taxes: How They Can Help Fight Inequality and Fund Sustainable Development
Publication Date: December 2024More LessTaxing wealth can take many forms; policy makers should carefully analyse options best suited to the existing tax system and the social-economic situation in their country. Ensuring effective taxation of wealth is a tool to address inequality, increase progressivity in the tax system, and raise domestic revenues to finance sustainable development. Net wealth taxes are gaining support, fuelled by the view that all individuals and corporations must pay their fair share of taxes. Investments in technological progress and automation of tax administrations, coupled with third-party reporting, international tax cooperation in the form of exchange of information and exit taxes, are crucial elements that could help countries to efficiently and effectively levy a net wealth tax.
Leveraging Population Trends for a More Sustainable and Inclusive Future: Insights From World Population Prospects 2024
Publication Date: November 2024More LessUnderstanding how population trends are likely to unfold in the short, medium and long terms is critical for achieving a more inclusive, prosperous and sustainable future as recognized in the Declaration on Future Generations. This policy brief provides an overview of some of the main findings of the recently released report, World Population Prospects 2024: Summary of Results (United Nations, 2024a) with the aim of helping countries prepare for population sizes, age structures and spatial distributions that may differ appreciably from those of their recent past.
Global Action is Needed to Advance Social Development Amidst Converging Crises
Publication Date: October 2024More LessThe recent confluence of crises – the COVID-19 pandemic, violent conflicts, and climate change – has caused severe setbacks to central objectives of social development, such as poverty eradication, employment generation, inequality reduction, and building inclusive societies. People and societies in vulnerable situations have been hit the hardest by the converging crises. There are indications that shocks and crises are becoming ever more frequent, severe, and far-reaching – driven by the worsening effects of climate change, the growing probability of pandemics, growing geopolitical tensions, and increasingly dense global networks of trade, finance and transport. The effects of these converging crises can be severe and long-lasting, as they may exhaust public and private response capacities, cause economic scarring, and trap people in a cycle of poverty. The World Social Report (WSR 2024) estimates that the potential cumulative global economic output loss could be over $50 trillion in the 2020–2030 period, an indication of lost opportunities for social development. National social protection mechanisms can help to protect and further advance social development. These mechanisms, by limiting the adverse impacts of shocks and crises, especially on people in vulnerable situations, and by supporting short-term recovery, enhance longer-term resilience and foster sustainable and inclusive growth. Yet only 47 per cent of the global population and as few as 13 per cent in low-income countries, are estimated to have access to at least one social protection benefit. At the same time, converging crises may increase the cost of providing adequate and universal social protection, while also depleting public financial resources. As a result, many developing countries, including most low- and lower-middle-income countries, would find it difficult to achieve universal social protection by 2030 without additional international support
What Assets and Innovations Can Governments Mobilize to Transform the Public Sector and Achieve the SDGs?
Publication Date: October 2024More LessThe COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the working methods of public institutions. The urgency to respond in real time loosened institutional constraints and forced public agencies to be more agile and to experiment with alternative ways to operate, accelerating innovation. Beyond the implementation of buffer measures to maintain essential public services, the crisis provided opportunities for transformations in public administration that would have been challenging to pursue in “normal” times. Although this urgency presented risks of weakening the checks and balances essential for accountability, it also led to the discovery of more efficient and effective ways to deliver public services, and many of these may become the “new normal”. Nevertheless, it is not clear that the agile decision-making, experimentation and innovation observed during the pandemic will persist. This raises the question of how to foster innovation in public institutions in the absence of crises. To retain public trust, governments must demonstrate they can effectively handle systemic shocks; they must demonstrate capacity to foresee problems and address them proactively before they become crises. Governments can tap into the innovations developed during the pandemic to better serve their constituents and accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The Integrated Nature of the Sustainable Development Goals as a Lever for Trust, Institutional Resilience and Innovation
Publication Date: September 2024More LessThis policy brief explores how Governments can assess competing policy priorities, manage trade-offs and enhance synergies to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, drawing from expert contributions to Chapter 2 of the World Public Sector Report 2023: Transforming institutions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals after the pandemic. Renewed efforts in enhancing policy coherence are required to leverage synergies at different levels and unleash the transformations needed to achieve the SDGs. However, public entities face challenges in identifying and leveraging SDG interdependencies and translating relevant plans into action. The brief highlights actionable ways to support integration and address existing barriers to unlock SDG progress in a way that contributes to building trust, enhancing resilience and advancing innovation.
Policy Choices for Leaving No One Behind (LNOB): Overview From 2023 SDG Summit Commitments
Publication Date: August 2024More LessIn the lead up to the 2023 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Summit (18-19 September, New York), the Secretary-General urged all Member States and stakeholders to present forward looking commitments to accelerate sustainable development in the coming years. A total of 39 Member States and 1 non-member observer state submitted 141 commitments via the SDG Summit Acceleration and Accountability Platform. This policy brief reviews these national commitments from the 2023 SDG Summit, focusing on how countries are translating the leaving no one behind (LNoB) concept into different policies across various country settings.
Multilevel Governance for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
Publication Date: August 2024More LessClimate change is the defining issue of our time, and we are at a critical moment. It intensifies heatwaves, droughts, flooding, wildfires and famines, while threatening to submerge low-lying countries and cities and drive more species to extinction. It also threatens food supply and food security. The Climate Change 2023 Synthesis Report of the IPCC1 highlights the unequal contributions to global greenhouse gas emissions, driven by unsustainable energy and land use, as well as consumption patterns. Human-caused climate change is already impacting weather extremes globally, leading to widespread adverse impacts, especially affecting vulnerable communities. Tackling climate change demands a paradigm shift in mitigation and adaptation measures, policy coherence, institutional arrangements, and coordination across national, regional, and local levels. Multilevel governance, including commonly used strategies to operationalize the principle of subsidiarity, is foundational to the global effort to combat climate change, recognizing that effective action requires collaboration and coordination across various levels of government, as well as with non-state actors. The principle of equity needs to be applied to the design of existing multilevel governance arrangements for addressing climate change, particularly when costs and benefits are often highly concentrated. It emphasizes the importance of considering equity in decision-making processes and the allocation of resources to address climate change effectively and fairly.
On the Path to an Older Population: Maximizing the Benefits From the Demographic Dividend in the Least Developed Countries
Publication Date: August 2024More LessPopulation ageing is a global phenomenon, a shift towards an increasing share of older persons in the population. Even the least developed countries (LDCs) are beginning to experience the progressive ageing of their populations, and this process is expected to accelerate during the second half of the current century (United Nations, 2023). Despite its far-reaching consequences, the emergence of this trend in LDCs has attracted only limited attention from both national policymakers and the international community. Most LDCs are still early in the decades-long process of population ageing, which is a direct consequence of the demographic transition towards longer lives and smaller families. Population ageing begins with a slowdown in the growth of the younger population but eventually involves the rapid growth of the older population. Early in this process, countries have an opportunity to benefit from the demographic dividend – a faster rate of economic growth on a per capita basis due to an increasing share of the working age population (and thus a falling dependency ratio) caused by a sustained decline in the fertility level. Although temporary, this opportunity often lasts for several decades. It comes to an end once the older population begins to grow more rapidly, leading to a rising old-age dependency ratio. Preparing for population ageing in LDCs will be critical for achieving sustainable development and ensuring that no one is left behind. Maximizing the benefits from the demographic dividend will provide an opportunity for these countries to develop economically before their populations become much older. It is also consistent with a pledge of “working together to support the acceleration of the demographic transition, where relevant”, as agreed in the Doha Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2022–2031 (United Nations, 2022).
The Dynamics of Poverty - Creating Resilience to Sustain Progress
Publication Date: August 2024More LessIn the three decades that preceded the Covid-19 pandemic, more than one billion people escaped extreme income poverty. As the health and economic upheavals brought on by Covid-19 and subsequent crises have made evident, however, progress towards poverty eradication is fragile. With only a few years remaining before the target date of 2030 for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), there is a renewed commitment to accelerate progress towards poverty eradication. In 2025, the United Nations will convene the Second World Summit for Social Development to give momentum towards the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, with a focus on poverty eradication and the other two pillars of social development. The Summit should strengthen the international community’s resolve to end poverty everywhere between now and 2030. Helping people escape extreme poverty is the first step towards achieving SDG 1. However, growing evidence on the poverty trajectories of families shows that escapes from poverty are seldom a straightforward path. Many people lift themselves out of poverty but fall back into it when a shock hits. A sharper policy focus on preventing impoverishment is needed to sustain progress and avoid setbacks.
Demographic Outlook for the Small Island Developing States: Implications of Population Trends for Building Resilience and Prosperity across SIDS
Publication Date: May 2024More LessTen years ago, the United Nations celebrated the International Year of Small Island Developing States (SIDS). In the same year, the SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA) Pathway, an ambitious 10-year action plan for SIDS, was adopted at the Third International Conference on SIDS held in Apia, Samoa, in 2014. The SAMOA Pathway identifies critical linkages between population and development in island states, most notably in the areas of health, gender equality and women’s rights and on the role of migrants in enhancing development in their communities of origin. Many of these linkages are also highlighted in the Antigua and Barbuda Agenda for SIDS (ABAS), along with emerging demographic issues that present new challenges and opportunities for the sustainable development of SIDS.
How Can We Accelerate Transformations to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? Insights From the 2023 Global Sustainable Development Report
Publication Date: March 2024More LessThis policy brief summarizes three key recommendations from the 2023 GSDR on how to accelerate progress across all SDGs: (1) we must aim for transformation in key systems where SDGs are closely interlinked; (2) we should shape interventions deliberately according to where a country is along its trajectory of transformation; and (3) we must build capacity for cohesive, forward looking and evidence-informed action. These insights can help decision-makers match actions to ambitions in the second half of the journey toward 2030. The recommendations can also help the United Nations mobilize action and investment around the six transitions that were identified as critical pathways toward the SDGs at the SDG Summit.
How Can Governments Strengthen Their Relationships with Society to Meet the Sustainable Development Goals? Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic
Publication Date: March 2024More LessWith less than seven years left to the 2030 deadline, progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has been limited. But, at the SDG Summit in September 2023, Member States of the United Nations committed to bold, ambitious, accelerated, just and transformative actions to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. For Governments, strengthening relationships and earning public trust is pivotal to realizing the changes required for more sustainable and resilient societies. While the COVID-19 pandemic significantly hindered advancement towards the Goals, and in some cases reversed progress, it also sparked innovation and experimentation in public institutions and in the way they interact with one another and broader society from which lessons can be drawn to reinvigorate efforts.
Enhancing Public Institutions’ Risk-informed Communication to address Multifaceted Crises for Disaster Risk Reduction, Resilience and Climate Action
Publication Date: January 2024More LessRisk-informed governance and a strong risk management framework are essential for ensuring disaster risk reduction (DRR) and resilience in rapidly changing and complex world. Governments and public institutions can use risk informed strategies for efficient decision-making and policy formulation in a world characterized by emerging challenges such as climate change, economic volatility, food insecurity and global health crises. Risk management is a key strategy to implement the principle of sound policy making, one of the 11 principles of effective governance for sustainable development. “Effective risk communication along the risk policy cycle is considered highly relevant for successful risk management, from prevention to response, preparation, review and monitoring of diverse risks.”
Accelerating Middle-income Countries’ Progress Towards Sustainable Development
Publication Date: November 2023More LessMiddle-income countries (MICs), defined in terms of gross national income per capita, are a large and heterogeneous group of countries that differ across a broad range of development indicators. Despite their differences, MICs have common aspirations and contend with similar challenges. The recent confluence of crises has caused severe setbacks that have compounded longer-term development bottlenecks. Many MICs require international support to address current and long-term challenges. Eligibility criteria that rely only on income per capita limit available support – including access to concessional finance – without accounting for MICs’ multidimensional development needs.
Financing the Sustainable Development Goals Through Mission-oriented Development Banks
Publication Date: September 2023More LessThere is an urgent need for channeling long-term risk-tolerant finance towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. This paper argues that National Development Banks (NDBs) and Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) can play a crucial role in mobilizing the needed capital but only if an outcomes oriented ‘mission-oriented’ approach is adopted to galvanize, catalyze, and crowd in substantial global public and private finance (scaling it up from billions to trillions). Missions help transform broad SDG related challenges, like global health and climate change, into investment pathways where strong publicly set goals crowd in private investment. Key is to make sure that strong conditions around reciprocity determine equitable and just partnerships and direct public and private finance towards inclusive and sustainable outcomes. Low-income countries which continue to face stringent international credit conditions can benefit from diverting resources from debt repayment towards development goals, while high-income countries can unlock financialised and hoarded capital for sustainable development.
India Overtakes China as the World’s Most Populous Country
Publication Date: June 2023More LessThe latest estimates and projections of global population from the United Nations, indicate that China will soon cede its long-held status as the world’s most populous country. In April 2023, India’s population is expected to reach 1,425,775,850 people, matching and then surpassing the population of mainland China. India’s population is virtually certain to continue to grow for several decades. By contrast, China’s population reached its peak size recently and experienced a decline during 2022. Projections indicate that the size of the Chinese population will continue to fall and could drop below 1 billion before the end of the century. Taking account of future population trends in national development planning is essential for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular, those related to poverty, food security, health, education, gender equality, decent work, inequality, urbanization and the environment, and for ensuring that no one is left behind.
Population, Education and Sustainable Development
Publication Date: May 2023More LessEducation is a key determinant of levels and trends of fertility, mortality and migration. In turn, coverage and investment in education are influenced by the rate of growth and the age structure of the population. Education and training over the life course are critically important to sustain socioeconomic development, especially in modern economies increasingly driven by innovation and productivity growth. From a macroeconomic perspective, a well-trained and well-educated workforce reinforces the positive impacts of the demographic dividend and tempers the fiscal and economic challenges associated with rapidly ageing populations, while contributing to the achievement of various Sustainable Development Goals and to the realization of the Vision Statement of the Secretary-General on Transforming Education. This policy brief summarizes some policy implications in these and other interlinkages between population, education, and sustainable development.
Why Indigenous languages Matter
Publication Date: February 2023More LessLanguages are one of the most significant emblems of human diversity, revealing how we can perceive, relate to, and understand the world differently. Languages are vehicles of our cultures, collective memory and values. They are an essential component of our identities. Out of the 6,700 languages spoken worldwide, forty percent are in danger of disappearing. Indigenous Peoples make up less than 6 percent of the global population, yet they speak more than 4,000 of the world’s languages. Most of the languages that are under threat are Indigenous languages. This dilemma is human-made and is exacerbated by ongoing assimilationist policies, social pressure, demographic change and the emphasis on a homogeneous nation State model that shares one culture and one language. The loss of global language diversity has been greatly accelerated by colonization and globalization. Other significant factors in the erosion of Indigenous languages are the dispossession of lands, territories and resources; repression and assimilation; genocide and shrinking ageing communities in which language is not passed to next generations.
Economic Well-being at Older Ages
Publication Date: January 2023More LessWorldwide, populations are ageing rapidly due to gains in life expectancy and declines in fertility. The trend towards a growing number and share of older persons is projected to continue in the foreseeable future. As the number of older persons grows, their socioeconomic and demographic characteristics will evolve as well, with implications for economies, societies and public budgets. While long-term trends are hard to predict, assessing the characteristics of current and future cohorts of older persons provides important insights into the future of our ageing world. On the one hand, future cohorts of older persons are likely to be healthier and more educated—and therefore more productive—than those of today, despite the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Continuing scientific and technological innovations, including medical and pharmaceutical advances, will allow many to enjoy healthier and longer lives. On the other hand, the information presented in this brief indicates that successive cohorts of youth and adults are increasingly insecure in the labour market and more and more unequal in both developed and developing countries with available data. Without swift and bold policy action to counter this trend, future cohorts of older persons may be more unequal than those of today.
Promoting Youth Participation in Decision-Making and Public Service Delivery through Harnessing Digital Technologies
Publication Date: January 2023More LessThis Policy Brief examines how public institutions can more effectively engage youth and promote their participation in decision-making and public service delivery to build more inclusive and resilient societies. It first examines the challenges public institutions face in meaningfully engaging youth in decision-making and public service delivery, as well as the behaviors and characteristics of young people that can be relevant to policy dialogue and participation. It then explains how digital technologies can be harnessed to effectively engage young people in decision-making and delivering public services. Lastly, it provides a set of policy recommendations on how public institutions can overcome engagement challenges and build an enabling ecosystem for youth participation.