Operational activities for development

In 2014, the United Nations continued to review how its development operations should be situated in the evolving post-2015 development agenda, including in the context of the quadrennial comprehensive policy review (qcpr) of operational activities for development in the UN system. Several UN entities had aligned their strategic plans with qcpr in timing and content, but progress was uneven in areas related to the coherent and effective functioning of the UN development system. During its operational activities for development segment, the Economic and Social Council held a high-level dialogue on the changing landscape of development cooperation, and adopted a resolution calling for wider implementation of qcpr. In December, the General Assembly adopted resolutions that affirmed that UN operational activities for development should make a key contribution to the objectives of the post-2015 development agenda, and invited UN development entities, in collaboration with national and international stakeholders, to support efforts to strengthen the capacity of Member States in the evaluation of development activities.

相关主题: United Nations
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