Preparatory work for the second special session of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament

image of Preparatory work for the second special session of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament

The decision to hold a second special of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament was taken in 1978 at the special session devoted to disarmament held in May/June of that year and was reflected in paragraph 119 of that session’s Final Document. In December 1978, by resolution 33/71 H, the General Assembly decided that the second special session devoted to disarmament should be convened in 1982. On 3 December 1980 the General Assembly adopted resolution 35/47, thereby deciding to establish a Preparatory Committee for the Second Special Session of the General Assembly Devoted to Disarmament composed of 78 Member States appointed by the President of the General Assembly on the basis of equitable geographic distribution.

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