The impact of central and East European accession on the movement of Turkish labour

There are many push and pull factors that could influence labour flows from the 10 Central and East European countries (CEEC-10) and Turkey into the European Union (EU). The first important step for assessing the possible impact of the Eastern enlargement on Turkish labour movement is to estimate East–West movements after the Central and East European countries (CEECs) joined the EU. I then consider the arguments supporting and rebutting the migration effect, and other characteristics and situations that may counteract the pull and push factors described in Chapter 1. Against this background, I also demonstrate a set of possible explanatory factors to assess the relative strength of their effects, to the extent that such factors may reflect the equilibrating forces of the migration movements themselves. Finally I look at the prospects of labour movement from Turkey to the EU in the foreseeable future, which is, in any event, debatable.

Related Subject(s): Migration
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