Conclusion: Greater solidarity: Towards human development with human security

- Author: United Nations Development Programme
- Main Title: New Threats to Human Security in the Anthropocene , pp 139-141
- Publication Date: February 2022
- DOI:
- Language: English
The enormous shock of the Covid-19 pandemic has unmasked the fragility of progress, touching nearly everyone on the planet. This should serve as a wakeup call in the face of compounded threats to human security that are superimposed on the unprecedented Anthropocene context. It shows that improving wellbeing achievements is not a sufficient condition for human security. The pandemic could represent a dry run of worse things to come—a series of ever-growing waves crashing into the inability of governments and the international community to empower and protect people around the world, but especially the most vulnerable.
© 2022 United Nations
Book DOI:
Sustainable Development Goals:
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