Руководство по измерению бедности: Дезагрегирование данных

image of Руководство по измерению бедности: Дезагрегирование данных


To take further the methodological work and develop recommendations to countries on data disaggregation with particular focus to poverty measurement, the Conference of European Statisticians established a task force, which worked through 2018 and 2019 to develop the present Guide. The task force consisted of 30 statistical experts from UNECE member countries, other countries participating in the work of the Conference of European Statisticians, international organizations and academia. It builds on the UNECE Guide on Poverty Measurement published in 2017. The Guide’s recommendations aim to improve national poverty statistics by ensuring better availability of disaggregated data for measuring poverty in alignment with international standards. The publication mainly targets national statistical authorities and provides useful information for policymakers, researchers and other users of poverty data.

Sustainable Development Goals:
Related Subject(s): Economic and Social Development


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