Towards operational criteria and a monitoring framework

This chapter seeks to critically examine the work undertaken by the Human Rights Council’s Working Group on the Right to Development (Working Group) and its high-level task force on the implementation of the right to development (task force) in operationalizing the right. More specifically, it analyses the right to development criteria outlined by the task force at its third session, in 2007 (see A/HRC/4/WG.2/TF/2) for its conceptual adequacy and the ease of operational practice, with a view to promoting the implementation of the right. In presenting the analysis, the chapter builds on an earlier paper on this subject (A/HRC/12/WG.2/TF/CRP.6) presented by the author to the task force at its fifth session, in 2009, and discussions at that meeting (see A/HRC/12/WG.2/TF/2 and Corr.1). It also draws on parallel work undertaken by the author for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in developing the framework to identify indicators for promoting and monitoring the implementation of human rights, in general.

Related Subject(s): Economic and Social Development
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