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Statistical Papers - United Nations (Ser. A), Population and Vital Statistics Report
ISSN (online): 2412138X
Book Series
The Population and Vital Statistics Report series presents data for countries or areas on population size (total male and female) from the latest available census estimated total population size for the later available year and the number and rate of vital events (live births deaths and infant deaths) for the latest available year within the past 15 years. These data are presented as reported by national statistical authorities to the Demographic Yearbook of the Statistics Division of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs.
Transport and Trade Facilitation Series
ISSN (online): 27081680
Book Series
The Series covers a wide range of topics in the area of Trade Logistics: Transport and Trade Facilitation for Development. It includes studies and reports from UNCTAD experts as well as external experts. The reports emanate from UNCTAD’s research and capacity building work.
United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) Occasional Papers
ISSN (online): 24121258
Book Series
The United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) publishes the UNODA Occasional Papers series to feature in edited form papers that deal with topical issues in the field of arms limitation disarmament and international security including statements made at meetings symposiums seminars workshops or lectures.
ECLAC COVID-19 Reports
ISSN (online): 2709300x
Book Series
The ECLAC COVID-19 reports are a collection of sectoral briefings on the impacts and challenges of the current coronavirus pandemic in the Latin America and the Caribbean region.
Human Rights Fact Sheet
ISSN (online): 15648974
Book Series
The Human Rights Fact Sheet series is published by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights United Nations Office at Geneva. It deals with selected questions of human rights that are under active consideration or are of particular interest. Human Rights Fact Sheets are intended to assist an ever-wider audience in better understanding basic human rights what the United Nations is doing to promote and protect them and the international machinery available to help realize those rights.
Innocenti Research Reports
ISSN (online): 26642174
Book Series
Innocenti Research Reports present in-depth studies and provide the latest data analysis methods and policy recommendations for decision makers on a range of issues affecting children.
Innovation for Sustainable Development Review
ISSN (online): 29601509
Book Series
The UNECE Innovation for Sustainable Development Review (I4SDR) provides a solid understanding of the national and regional innovation system through a calibrated assessment and recommendations for policy and structural reform based on international good practices and a firm understanding of national and regional specificities. The Review is a result of an in-depth dialogue and consultation among the UNECE Secretariat leading subject matter experts Government officials academia the private sector and other innovation stakeholders in the country. UNECE also supports subsequent reform efforts through policy dialogue and capacity building tied to the recommendations and priorities of the report. The Review looks at three dimensions – overall economic development and innovation performance based on input and output metrics outlining the opportunities and challenges that policies related to enabling and promoting innovation should address; the national innovation system and innovation governance analysing how and to which extent public policy and existing intervention mechanisms serve to nurture the innovation system and address these opportunities and challenges; and selective chapters focusing on the topics of importance to the country such as science-industry linkages innovation in specific sectors innovation-enhancing procurement start-up support and diaspora engagement among others. Based on this analysis the Review elaborates recommendations and measures to stimulate innovation activity enhance innovation capacity among stakeholders and improve the efficiency of the national innovation system – all conducive to sustainable development. The Review uses policy analysis and research multi–stakeholder meetings at national level for fact–finding awareness raising and consensus building and a peer review. Following publication ECE typically supports countries through capacity building and policy dialogue to support return effects. After 3-5 years at the request of the national authorities a second review assesses progress and re-evaluates priorities.
This series continues ECE Innovative Performance Review | United Nations iLibrary (un-ilibrary.org)
This series continues ECE Innovative Performance Review | United Nations iLibrary (un-ilibrary.org)
ECE Innovative Performance Review
ISSN (online): 2412477X
Book Series
Innovation Performance Reviews are a major new focus of work for the Economic Cooperation and Integration Division. Initiated at the request of member state Governments they are a participatory policy advisory service examining possible policy actions to stimulate innovation activities enhance innovation capacity and improve the efficiency of national innovation systems. Reviews follow outlines agreed upon with requesting Governments and are prepared in collaboration with international and national experts and the UNECE secretariat.
This series is continued by Innovation for Sustainable Development Review | United Nations iLibrary (un-ilibrary.org)
This series is continued by Innovation for Sustainable Development Review | United Nations iLibrary (un-ilibrary.org)
Conference of European Statisticians Statistical Standards and Studies
ISSN (online): 29594170
Book Series
The UNECE Conference of European Statisticians (CES) has been involved in setting statistical norms and standards since the Conference was established. Its main objective is to improve official statistics and their comparability promote close coordination of international statistical activities respond to any emerging needs for international statistical cooperation and develop and adopt statistical standards in the UNECE region. The work builds on the UN Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics a standard that was first adopted by UNECE in 1992 and globally by the UN Statistical Commission in 1994. These principles are considered a basic framework which all statistical activities developed by national and international organizations must follow in recognizing official statistics as a public good. The Conference has enhanced its role as the principal forum for the coordination of official statistical work throughout Europe and North America. A number of standards for statistical production have been developed under the CES to support countries in the midst of the ongoing data revolution. Publications in this series provide progress assessments on Statistical Standards and Studies.
eTrade Readiness Assessment
ISSN (online): 29592666
Book Series
The eTrade Readiness Assessments provide a snapshot of the e-commerce ecosystem in developing countries and regions for each of the seven pillars of the eTrade for all initiative which are key to embrace their digital transformation: e-commerce assessments ICT infrastructure payment solutions trade facilitation and logistics legal and regulatory frameworks skills development and access to finance. They also address challenges related gender equity and measurement of e-commerce. The objectives are to enhance knowledge on digital economic developments and their implications for national and regional e-commerce strategies; strengthen stakeholders’ overall perception of e-commerce and foster public-private dialogue among e-commerce sector participants; identify the challenges and opportunities of e-commerce growth through a mix of quantitative and qualitative approaches; identify priority actions with key stakeholders in the seven policy areas; and develop synergies and programmes between beneficiary countries and development partners to implement the eTrade Readies recommendations.
World Programme for Human Rights Education
ISSN (online): 29592682
Book Series
On 10 December 2004 the General Assembly of the United Nations proclaimed the World Programme for Human Rights Education (2005-ongoing) to advance the implementation of human rights education programmes. The World Programme was established by the General Assembly’s resolution 59/113 (10 December 2004). Building on the achievements of the United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education (1995-2004) the World Programme seeks to promote a common understanding of basic principles and methodologies of human rights education to provide a concrete framework for action and to strengthen partnerships and cooperation from the international level down to the grass roots. Unlike the specific time frame of the Decade the World Programme is structured in consecutive phases to further focus national human rights education efforts on specific issues.
SDG Pulse
ISSN (online): 27899551
Book Series
The SDG Pulse Series is UNCTADs annual statistical publication reporting on developments relating to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The purpose of this series is to: provide an update on the evolution of a selection of official SDG indicators and complementary data and statistics; provide progress reports on the development of new concepts and methodologies for UNCTAD custodian indicators. This series aims to showcase beyond the perspective of the formal SDG indicators how UNCTAD is contributing to the implementation of 2030 Agenda. Released annually each version of the SDG Pulse highlights a thematic issue of immediate relevance to the 2030 Agenda.
Economic Governance Report
ISSN (online): 30067340
Book Series
The Economic Governance Report is the biennial publication of the UN Economic Commission for Africa. The series studies pertinent economic governance and public finance issues in Africa through research and policy analysis to provide policy recommendations for the policy-making authorities researchers think tanks and other relevant development partners.
Rapport sur la gouvernance économique
ISSN (online): 30068584
Book Series
Le Rapport sur la gouvernance économique est une publication biennale de la Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l'Afrique. La série se penche sur les questions pertinentes de gouvernance économique et de finances publiques en Afrique à travers recherches et analyses politiques afin de fournir des recommandations aux autorités politiques aux chercheurs aux groupes de réflexion ainsi qu’à d'autres partenaires de développement qui pourraient être concernés.
Pleadings, Oral Arguments, Documents
ISSN (online): 27899047
Book Series
Volumes in this series are published as soon as possible after the closure of each case and contain the documentation that relates to that case in its original language which is either English or French. These are divided into three parts. Firstly the document instituting the proceedings and the written pleadings. Secondly the verbatim record of the oral proceedings. And thirdly any documents submitted to the Court after the closure of the written proceedings. One or more volumes are issued for each case. Note that volumes that were released up to 31 December 1964 (Sales No. 286) are sold in cloth hardbound form whereas subsequent volumes are paperbound.
Programa mundial para la educación en derechos humanos
ISSN (online): 30072247
Book Series
El 10 de diciembre de 2004 la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas proclamó el Programa Mundial para la Educación en Derechos Humanos (2005 en adelante) para avanzar en la implementación de programas de educación en derechos humanos. El Programa Mundial fue establecido mediante la resolución 59/113 de la Asamblea General (10 de diciembre de 2004). Basándose en los logros de la Década de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación en Derechos Humanos (1995-2004) el Programa Mundial busca promover una comprensión común de los principios básicos y metodologías de la educación en derechos humanos proporcionar un marco concreto para la acción y fortalecer las asociaciones y la cooperación desde el nivel internacional hasta las bases. A diferencia del marco temporal específico de la Década el Programa Mundial está estructurado en fases consecutivas para enfocar aún más los esfuerzos nacionales de educación en derechos humanos en temas específicos.
Etudes de Genève sur le Bois et la Forêt
ISSN (online): 30069955
Book Series
Les documents d'étude sur le bois et les forêts englobent la gestion durable des forêts ainsi que l'utilisation rationnelle et légale des produits forestiers pour les matières premières et l'énergie et les services forestiers. L'objectif est d'aider les pays membres de la manière suivante : fournir la meilleure information disponible ; faciliter les dialogues politiques et la communication ; et renforcer les capacités. La série est l’aboutissement d'une collaboration entre la Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l'Europe et l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO)
ISSN (online): 30072263
Book Series
On 10 December 2004 the General Assembly of the United Nations proclaimed the World Programme for Human Rights Education (2005-ongoing) to advance the implementation of human rights education programmes. The World Programme was established by the General Assembly’s resolution 59/113 (10 December 2004). Building on the achievements of the United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education (1995-2004) the World Programme seeks to promote a common understanding of basic principles and methodologies of human rights education to provide a concrete framework for action and to strengthen partnerships and cooperation from the international level down to the grass roots. Unlike the specific time frame of the Decade the World Programme is structured in consecutive phases to further focus national human rights education efforts on specific issues.
Programme mondial en faveur de l’éducation aux droits de l’homme
ISSN (online): 30072239
Book Series
Le 10 décembre 2004 l'Assemblée générale des Nations Unies a proclamé le Programme mondial pour l'éducation aux droits de l'homme (2005-en cours) pour faire progresser la mise en œuvre des programmes d'éducation aux droits de l'homme. Le Programme mondial a été créé par la résolution 59/113 (10 décembre 2004) de l’Assemblée générale. S'appuyant sur les réalisations de la Décennie des Nations Unies pour l'éducation aux droits de l'homme (1995-2004) il vise à promouvoir une compréhension commune des principes fondamentaux et des méthodologies de l'éducation aux droits de l'homme à fournir un cadre d'action concret et à renforcer les partenariats et coopération du niveau international jusqu’au niveau local. Le Programme mondial est structuré en phases consécutives afin de concentrer davantage les efforts nationaux d'éducation aux droits de l'homme sur des questions spécifiques.
Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Review
ISSN (online): 3007228x
Book Series
UNCTAD developed the science technology and innovation policy reviews to assist developing countries in assessing science technology and innovation systems and building innovation capacity at the firm farm industry and national levels. The reviews are an analytical and policy-learning process for a country’s science technology and innovation stakeholders to reach a clearer understanding of the key strengths and weaknesses of their innovation systems and identify strategic priorities for their development. The result of this process is documented in the science technology and innovation policy review document and considered at the Commission on Science and Technology for Development.
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