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Assessment of Development Results
This series assesses the attainment of intended and achieved results as well as United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) contributions to development results at the country level. Their scope include but is not confined to UNDP responsiveness and alignment to country challenges and priorities; strategic positioning; use of comparative advantage; and engagement with partners. The number and selection of countries and the timing of these evaluations are determined to ensure coverage and to allow findings and recommendations to feed into the preparation of the subsequent programme. Wherever possible these evaluations will be conducted in conjunction with other United Nations organizations.
Thematic Evaluation Reports
This series assesses United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) performance in areas that are critical to ensuring sustained contribution to development results in the context of emerging development issues and changing priorities at the global and regional levels. To this end thematic evaluations may cover for example UNDP policies focus areas partnerships programmatic approaches cooperation modalities or business models. The Evaluation Office also engages in evaluations conducted jointly with other United Nations organizations to assess system-wide performance.
Global and Regional Programme Evaluations
Global regional and South-South programme evaluations assess the performance and intended and achieved results of those programmes. They are intended to reinforce the substantive accountability of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to the Executive Board and will be timed to contribute to the preparation and approval of the next programme.
Geneva Timber and Forest Study Papers
The Timber and Forest Study Papers encompasses sustainable forest management as well as the sound and legal use of forest products for raw material and energy and forest services. The objective is to assist member countries by: providing the best available information; facilitating policy dialogues and communication; and building capacity. The series is the product of a collaborative endeavour between the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
State of the World’s Indigenous Peoples
The State of the World’s Indigenous Peoples represents the fulfilment of a recommendation by the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues that a United Nations publication be produced to analyse a broad spectrum of indigenous peoples’ issues and serve as a key advocacy tool for raising awareness and promoting the rights of indigenous peoples as enshrined in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and other international instruments. Each report focuses on different issues faced by indigenous peoples with topics ranging from poverty and well-being culture environment education health human rights and emerging issues.
Innocenti Report Card
In keeping with UNICEF's mandate to advocate for children in every country the Centre's Report Card series focuses on the well-being of children in industrialized countries. Each Report Card includes a league table ranking the countries of the OECD according to their record on the subject under discussion. The Report Cards are designed to appeal to a wider audience while maintaining academic rigour.
United Nations Historical Series
This series of publications offers a fresh and enlightening look into the history of the League of Nations involvement in social issues. The objective is to contribute to the literature on the history of international organizations and transnational history while also contributing to current dialogues on contemporary United Nations politics and policies in a way that draws upon lessons learnt from its historical predecessor.
Bilan Innocenti
Le Centre de recherche Innocenti de l'UNICEF (IRC) a été créé pour renforcer la capacité de recherche de l'UNICEF et soutenir son action en faveur des enfants dans le monde entier. Conformément au mandat de l'UNICEF d'agir en faveur de l'enfance partout dans le monde la série de rapports du centre se concentre sur le bien-être des enfants dans les pays industrialisés. Chaque fiche de rapport comprend un tableau classant les pays de l'OCDE concernant un sujet bien determiné en particulier. Ces bulletins sont conçus pour faire appel à un public élargi tout en maintenant la rigueur académique nécessaire.
Report Card de Innocenti
El Centro de Investigación Innocenti de UNICEF (IRC) fue creado para fortalecer la capacidad de investigación de UNICEF y para apoyar a la defensa de los niños en todo el mundo. Continuando con el mandato de UNICEF de abogar por los niños en todos los países la serie "Reporte de Calificaciones del Centro" se centra en el bienestar de los niños en los países industrializados. Cada reporte de calificaciones incluye una tabla de clasificación que ordena a los países de la OCDE de acuerdo con su historial sobre los temas en discusión. Los Reportes de Calificaciones están diseñados para atraer a un público más amplio y mantener el rigor académico.
Innocenti Report Card (Italian version)
In linea con il mandato dell'UNICEF di difendere i diritti dei bambini in ogni paese la serie Report Card del Centro INNOCENTI si concentra sul benessere dei bambini nei paesi industrializzati. Ogni Report Card include una graduatoria che classifica i paesi dell'OCSE in base ai dati forniti sull'argomento in discussione. Questa serie è stata progettata per attrarre un pubblico più ampio mantenendo sempre il rigore accademico.
Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions
These are the official records submitted to the General Assembly as biennial reports of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions.
Country Profiles on Housing and Land Management
The Country Profile reports contain in-depth analysis of housing urban development and land management sectors while focusing on specific challenges or achievements in these sectors. These include housing provision and affordability; management and maintenance of the housing stock; energy efficiency in housing; disaster risk mitigation; urbanization; housing finance; and the legal and institutional framework. The reports also lay out sets of policy recommendations to help in meeting these challenges.
Greening of Economic Growth Series
The conventional “grow first clean up later” approaches to economic growth are increasingly placing the futures of regional economies and societies at risk. The forward-thinking policymaker is tasked to promote development based on eco-efficient economic growth and at the same time record more inclusive gains in human welfare and socio-economic progress. In order to assist policymakers in responding to such challenges ESCAP’s “Greening of economic growth” series provides quick access to easy-to-read guidance to specific policy tools.
The Work of the International Law Commission
This series provides an introduction to the work of the International Law Commission (ILC) with sufficient references to facilitate further research. Volume I of each edition discusses the nature and role of the ILC as well as of its programme of work working methods and relationship with governments and other legal bodies. It includes a brief summary of the work undertaken on each topic considered since 1949 as well as several annexes containing its Statute relevant historical information and a selected bibliography. Volume II of each edition reproduces the full texts of the final draft instruments prepared by the ILC and submitted to the General Assembly for its consideration as well as of multilateral conventions adopted by diplomatic conferences convened under the auspices of the United Nations or by the General Assembly on the basis of draft articles prepared by the ILC.
Commodities at a Glance
Commodities are products stemming from agricultural production or mining production that have not yet been transformed: agricultural products tropical beverages energy minerals ores and metals. The series Commodities at a Glance aims to collect present and disseminate accurate and relevant statistical information linked to international primary commodity markets in a clear concise and reader-friendly format.
United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names
In 1959 the Economic and Social Council paved the way for a small group of experts to meet and provide technical recommendations on standardizing geographical names at the national and international levels. This meeting gave rise to the United Nations Conferences on the Standardization of Geographical Names (UNCSGN) and to the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (UNGEGN). The UNCSGN is held every five years and UNGEGN meets between the Conferences to follow up the implementation of resolutions adopted by the Conferences and to ensure continuity of activities between Conferences.
United Nations Legislative Series
In 1950 the International Law Commission considered ways and means for making customary international law more readily available in accordance with article 24 of its Statute. The Commission recommended inter alia that the General Assembly of the United Nations should authorize the Secretariat to prepare and issue with as wide a distribution as possible a Legislative Series containing the texts of current national legislation on matters of international interest. In this connection it was recommended that the Secretariat should assemble and publish from time to time collections of the texts of national legislation on special topics of general interest. The Legislative Series is prepared by the Codification Division of the Office of Legal Affairs. The first 25 volumes in the Legislative Series have addressed a broad range of special topics of general interest relating inter alia to the law of the sea the law of treaties nationality diplomatic and consular law international organizations State succession non-navigational uses of international watercourses jurisdictional immunities of States and their property the multilateral treaty-making process as well as the prevention and suppression of international terrorism. The legal materials contained in this series have included not only national legislation but also treaties judicial decisions diplomatic correspondence and other relevant materials depending on the topic.
United Nations Essential Documents Series
The United Nations Essential Documents Series brings together for the first time the most influential international instruments and treaties created by the United Nations since its founding in 1945. Each volume in the series presents the actual documents in full and as they originally appeared when published. A short introduction opens each volume which establishes the context for each source provides a short history of how each of these instruments came into being and describes the document’s impact on policymaking and positive change around the world. An invaluable resource for libraries students and scholars of peace and security human rights and development these volumes will also serve as an essential teaching tool for those studying and writing about international relations in general and about the history of the world’s only true global organization specifically.
Human Development Perspectives
Human Development Perspective series was introduced by the UNDP's Human Development Report Office in 2020 as a flexible platform for extending the research from the annual global Human Development Report and to cover the emerging issues facing human development year-round.