United Nations restructuring and institutional matters

In 2007, the Secretary-General continued to work with Member States and the UN system to further enhance system-wide coherence in areas of development, humanitarian support and the environment, especially at the country level. He submitted his views on recommendations contained in the 2006 report of the High-level Panel on United Nations System-wide Coherence in the areas of development, humanitarian assistance and the environment, entitled “Delivering as one”. The Secretary-General said that the Panel’s recommendations provided further impetus to reform measures on United Nations business practices, agreeing fully with the Panel’s assessment of the need to consolidate and strengthen current structures, including by focusing on gender equality and the empowerment of women. In January, the “Delivering as one” pilot initiative, recommended by the Panel, was launched to test how the United Nations could provide more coordinated development assistance in eight countries.

Related Subject(s): United Nations
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