
The present note reflects the collective views of the members of the Committee for Development Policy. The analysis and ideas that they contributed during its preparation are greatly appreciated. Special thanks should be extended to José Antonio Alonso, Giovanni Andrea Cornia, Ana Luiza Cortez, Diane Elson, Sakiko Fukuda-Parr, Stephan Klasen, Keun Lee, Leonce Ndikumana, José Antonio Ocampo, Tea Petrin, Claudia Sheinbaum, Madhura Swaminahan and Dzodzi Tsikata, who prepared background notes and contributed other materials that served as important inputs for both the Committee’s deliberations and the present Policy Note. The publication also relied on comments from other CDP members and the substantive support from Ana Luiza Cortez, Hiroshi Kawamura and Namsuk Kim of the CDP Secretariat.

Связанные Темы : Economic and Social Development
Sustainable Development Goals:
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