
image of Africa

During 1994, while Africa made notable advances towards peace and democracy, it also experienced some serious set-backs. On the positive side, through United Nations efforts, apartheid South Africa was transformed into a united, democratic and non-racial society with the coming into force in April of the new interim constitution, which guaranteed universal adult suffrage to all South Africans. The country held its first democratic general elections in April, which were won by the African National Congress, whose leader, Nelson Mandela, on 10 May became the first President of a new, non-racial South Africa. The question of the elimination of apartheid, which had been on the General Assembly’s agenda since 1946, was accordingly removed and the Special Committee against Apartheid dissolved. The Security Council terminated the mandatory arms embargo and ended all other measures it had imposed against South Africa. It also terminated the mandate of the United Nations Observer Mission in South Africa. The General Assembly welcomed South Africa’s return to the community of nations and called on specialized agencies and related organizations of the United Nations system to re-establish full membership of South Africa.

الموضوعات ذات الصلة: United Nations
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