Asia-Pacific Development Journal, June 2012
  • E-ISSN: 24119873


In the Pacific island region, the progress towards achieving the global Millennium Development Goal (MDG) target 7D, improving the lives of a hundred million slum dwellers, is fraught with many challenges. Out of all the MDG targets, minimal support has been provided to improving the quality of life of residents living in squatter and informal settlements in Pacific towns and cities. In this context, this paper seeks to understand and explain why MDG target 7D and the broader urban sector in the Pacific island region is marginalized. The paper examines the state of squatter and informal settlement growth in Pacific towns and cities, and explores the reasons as to why there is a lack of interest in addressing the plight of squatter and informal settlement dwellers at the Pacific country, regional and development partner levels. The paper calls for renewed action in elevating MDG 7D onto the Pacific island region and national development agendas.

Related Subject(s): Economic and Social Development

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