تقرير حالة التطوع في العالم 2018

لرابط الذي يجمعنا: التطوع وقدرة المجتمع المحلي على الصمود

image of تقرير حالة التطوع في العالم 2018

The 2018 State of the World’s Volunteerism Report: The Thread that Binds - Volunteerism and Community Resilience is a United Nations flagship publication that presents new evidence on the role of volunteerism in strengthening community resilience. It finds that communities value volunteerism because it enables them to create collective strategies for dealing with diverse economic, social and environmental challenges. At the same time, unless appropriately supported by wider actors, volunteering can be exclusive and burdensome for some groups. Alone, communities have limited capacities and resources to adapt to emerging and future risks. The report explores how governments and development actors can best engage with volunteerism to nurture its most beneficial characteristics while mitigating against potential harms to the most vulnerable. In doing so, the report is an important contribution to the evidence base on inclusive, citizen-led approaches to resilience-building.

Related Subject(s): Economic and Social Development


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