International Dialogue on Migration No. 32

Leveraging Migration for a Resilient and Sustainable Post-pandemic Recovery: Opportunities and Challenges

image of International Dialogue on Migration No. 32


The session focused on the state of global mobility in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and post-pandemic efforts, in particular the contribution of migrants as key agents of a resilient and sustainable socioeconomic recovery. The dialogue’s main aim was to improve the knowledge of the impacts of global shocks on migration and development, and identify lessons learned and recommendations to improve migrant support in the future. The session allowed government representatives, members of the diaspora, academic experts, representatives of the private sector, and international and civil society organizations to exchange views and share experiences and examples of effective practices to advance efforts to ensure safe, orderly and regular migration, and strengthen migrant-inclusive public health systems, with the ultimate aim of advancing the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals. This publication presents a summary report of the deliberations held during the two days and offers the reader a collection of experiences, best practices and recommendations shared by the participants at the meeting.

Related Subject(s): Human Rights and Refugees ; Migration


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