International Dialogue on Migration No. 22

Diasporas and Development: Bridging Societies and States

image of International Dialogue on Migration No. 22


The Diaspora Ministerial Conference held on 18–19 June 2013 is a landmark in the history of the global debate on migration and development. Amid the flurry of international events leading up to the 2nd United Nations High Level Dialogue (HLD) on International Migration and Development in October 2013, the diaspora conference marks the first and only gathering of high-level politicians from all parts of the world responsible for diaspora and their engagement in the development of their countries of origin. International Organization for Migration (IOM) dedicated its International Dialogue on Migration in 2013 to the diaspora theme with the full support of its Member States, and with a view to contributing a diaspora perspective to the HLD 2013 and the post-2015 sustainable development agenda. IOM was well positioned to organize such a high-level dialogue in view of the fact that it has assisted States in creating the institutions and strategies to adapt to the new realities of a transnational world.

Related Subject(s): Human Rights and Refugees ; Migration


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