The estimated world production of fish has more than doubled in the last two decades, from less than 20 million tons in 1948 to more than 50 million tons in 1965 (Tables IV-1 and IV-2). This growth, which is considerably faster than that of either the human population or the overall production of food, means that fish are making an increasingly important contribution to the world's supply of animal protein. In the world as a whole fish contribute about 10 percent of the total animal protein intake, but considerably more in some areas such as the Far East (Table IV-3). An increasing proportion of the total catch is not used directly for human consumption but is converted to fish meal which, fed for example to pigs, poultry and trout, produces protein in commercially more attractive forms. Recent developments in marine fish culture suggest that in future further supplies of fish meal will be used as feed for valuable marine fish such as plaice or sole, or shellfish such as prawns or lobster.

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