The UNESCO Courier - Volume 2021, Issue 1, 2021

Volume 2021, Issue 1, 2021

Less than twenty per cent of the world’s oceans have been explored so far. That is not a lot. But it is enough for us to know that the oceans are threatened by global warming, acidification, and pollution. Coral bleaching is just one illustration of the decline of marine ecosystems. The consequences of these changes are not just environmental. Nearly three billion people depend directly on marine and coastal biodiversity for their survival. The United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) gives us an opportunity to remind ourselves of these major challenges, and to share the innovative solutions that emerge. It is also intended to draw attention to the crucial role of research in improving our understanding of the ocean, and strengthening its resilience. Provided that it is given the means to do so.
Language: English Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, Spanish
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