During the last few years, the external and domestic conditions under which Latin-American agriculture has developed have generally proved favourable to a productive increase and an uninterrupted process of investment and reinvestment. Firstly, world prices for agricultural products remained satisfactory over a long period; secondly, development programmes and the relatively high level of domestic incomes have created a steady demand, in many cases unsatisfied, for basic consumer products. Nevertheless, although several countries succeeded in raising production, either for domestic consumption or export, others laboured under powerful depressive factors. This applies to Argentina, whose influence upon the figures for Latin-American agriculture is so great that the progress recorded in 1951 and 1952 by the other countries was completely offset by the pronounced decline in Argentine production for this period. Thus, the region’s aggregate production (including Argentina) fell by 2 per cent during 1952; but, if Argentina is excluded, a rise of 7 per cent is apparent. Furthermore, while per capita production for the entire region is estimated at 4 per cent below the 1948 figure, and 11 per cent below that of the pre-war period, with the exclusion of Argentina, these results are converted into increases of 8 and 6 per cent, respectively.

Related Subject(s): Economic and Social Development
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