Рекомендации, касающиеся согласованных на европейском уровне технических предписаний, применимых к судам внутреннего плавания

Резолюция № 61, пересмотр 2

image of Рекомендации, касающиеся согласованных на европейском уровне технических предписаний, применимых к судам внутреннего плавания


The recommendations establish a Pan-European regime of technical requirements for inland navigation vessels that transport goods and passengers internationally. They are the result of Government efforts to unify divergent regulations in force in different intergovernmental organizations and ECE member countries. The recommendations are intended to facilitate the recognition of ship's certificates, thus eliminating the need for more than one inspection of vessels engaged in international transport by inland waterways. They also contain strict regulations on limitation of air and water pollution and on the abatement of noise, the internationally agreed standards for minimum manning requirements and the working and rest hours of crews.

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