Стамбульский Протокол

Руководство по эффективному расследованию и документированию пыток и других жестоких, бесчеловечных или унижающих достоинство видов обращения и наказания

image of Стамбульский Протокол


This revised edition strengthens the widely recognized and highly valued Istanbul Protocol standards on the effective investigation into and documentation of torture and ill-treatment. Relying on multi-sectoral engagement, specialized global expertise, and practical experiences of law, health, and human rights professionals in the field, including members of United Nations anti-torture bodies, the updated edition seeks to fortify the implementation of international norms and preventive tools to assist survivors of torture worldwide. The Istanbul Protocol and the accompanying “Istanbul Principles” also serve as a global standard against which the delivery of expert legal and medical evidence can be benchmarked in the investigation and prevention of torture. The Istanbul Protocol should appeal to a wide variety of stakeholders, including States, civil society, doctors, psychologists, social workers, lawyers, forensic specialists, asylum officers, human rights officers, and many others.


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