Survey of Economic and Social Developments in the Arab Region 2015-2016

image of Survey of Economic and Social Developments in the Arab Region 2015-2016


The economic and political uncertainty which has characterized the Arab region in the wake of the 2011 transitions and upheaval continues to restrain the region’s prospects for growth, job creation and stability. Economic expansion remains stalled, with persistently low global oil prices adding a further burden to the regional economy and constraining the growth and fiscal balances of those countries that had been top-performers due to energy exports. While some progress on social indicators such as gender representativeness can be noted, countries in and affected by political transition and conflict have regressed on a plethora of socioeconomic indicators. These trends can be noted for the past five years, and with this in mind, the 2015-16 Survey will utilize recent data in order to take stock of the impact of instability and conflict, and address the foregone growth and output and destructive effects of this period. It also draws on recent research of ESCWA regarding migration, social developments, the impact of conflict, women’s empowerment, and specific country-level analysis.

Related Subject(s): Economic and Social Development


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