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Asia-Pacific MDG Study Series
ISSN (online): 24124958
Book Series
The studies in this series have been published by ESCAP/ADB/UNDP in a joint project on MDGs in Asia and the Pacific. They look at key drivers which have propelled MDG achievements in the region and which are likely to remain important in the region’s quest for reaching the Goals by 2015. They focus specifically on three areas where increased and sustained policy attention would be required: hunger and food security; health and basic services; and basic infrastructure. The series is a resource which policy makers development practitioners and other stakeholders should find useful in achieving the MDGs.
Air Pollution Studies
ISSN (online): 24140708
Book Series
Air pollution has significant impacts on our health environment and economy. Pollutants in the air we breathe come from multiple sources including sectors such as industry transport and agriculture. Every day air pollution causes respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. To improve air quality on the local national and regional levels UNECE member States have been working successfully to gradually reduce and prevent air pollution in the ECE region. One of the vehicles through which this has been achieved is the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution which was signed in 1979. Over the years it has been extended by eight protocols that identify specific measures to be taken by Parties to cut their emissions of air pollutants.
ESCAP Studies in Trade and Investment
ISSN (online): 24140953
Book Series
This series focuses on developments in international and intra-regional trade as well as economic and social development in Asia and the Pacific as curated by researchers on the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP).
IOM Migration Research Series
ISSN (online): 24142573
Book Series
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) conducts and supports research designed to guide and inform migration policy and practice. The Migration Research Division (MRD) based in IOM Headquarters within the Department of International Cooperation and Partnerships has the institutional responsibility for overseeing the conduct and management of applied research on "mainstream" migration sectors and migration policy issues to enhance IOM's programme delivery and to enable IOM to serve as the primary reference point on migration and for the preparation of IOM's flagship publication the World Migration Report other reports published in its Migration Research Series International Migration Journal and Migration Profiles.
Global Alliance for ICT and Development (GAID) Series
ISSN (online): 24145408
Book Series
The Global Alliance for Information and Communication Technologies and Development was launched after comprehensive worldwide consultations with governments the private sector civil society the technical and internet communities and academia. This series intends to be a useful resource for understanding the genesis and evolution of the Global Alliance and its action towards harnessing the power of information and communications technology for sustainable development and poverty eradication.
Dialogues at the Economic and Social Council
ISSN (online): 24145467
Book Series
This series presents key debates from the High-level Segment of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). It contains keynote speeches issue papers roundtable summaries National Voluntary Presentations transcriptions of other dialogues and discussions.
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Investment Policy Reviews
ISSN (online): 24145475
Book Series
The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development´s Investment Policy Reviews provide an objective evaluation of the country´s legal regulatory and institutional framework for FDI to attract increased foreign and direct investment as well as how to maximize the benefits from it. The review includes FDI entry and establishment treatment and protection of investment taxation the business environment and sectoral regulations. The strategic analysis is tailored to country needs. Recommendations are concrete and action-oriented.
Selected Decisions of the Human Rights Committee under the Optional Protocol
ISSN (online): 24145505
Book Series
The Human Rights Committee started its work under the Optional Protocol at its second session in 1977. From then until its eighty-fourth session in 2005 1414 communications relating to alleged violations by 78 States Parties were placed before it for consideration. Each volume in this series presents cases from a specific time period of the Committee's work.
Official Records (United Nations General Assembly)
ISSN (online): 24147117
Book Series
The General Assembly Official Records (GAOR) consist of meeting records of the Plenary and Main Committees. The GAOR also comprise supplements including reports of the other principal organs of the United Nations; reports of subsidiary bodies; resolutions and decisions of the General Assembly; annexes and selected documents organized by agenda item. For each session of the General Assembly resolutions and decisions are compiled and issued as a supplement to the General Assembly Official Records.
Official Records (United Nations Economic and Social Council)
ISSN (online): 24147125
Book Series
The Official Records of the Committee of Experts on Public Administration contain the conclusions and recommendations of the said Committee concerning various issues pertaining to public administration policies experiences and best practises throughout the world. The Committee is composed of 24 experts acting in their own independent capacity who are mandated for a period of four years. The Committee reports to ECOSOC one of the principal organs of the United Nations.
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Series on Issues in International Investment Agreements II
ISSN (online): 24147141
Book Series
UNCTAD's Series on International Investment Agreements analyses the key concepts of core IIA provisions. The "First-generation Pink Series" (1999-2005) sought to help countries participate as effectively as possible in international investment rule-making. The "Sequels" update and complement this Series analysing how key issues in IIA provisions have evolved particularly focusing on treaty practice and arbitral decisions. In line with UNCTAD's mandate the Sequels analyse the development impact of IIA provisions and their respective formulations and give policy options that strengthen the sustainable-development aspect of IIAs. Both generations represent a standard reference tool for IIA negotiators policymakers the private sector academia and other stakeholders.
Selección de Decisiones del Comité de Derechos Humanos Adoptadas con Arreglo al Protocolo Facultativo
ISSN (online): 24147168
Book Series
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