The UNESCO Courier - Volume 2022, Issue 1, 2022

Volume 2022, Issue 1, 2022

In the field of neuroscience, reality has already surpassed fiction. Who could have imagined that it would one day be possible to implant false memories in an animal’s brain, or to dictate a text to a computer by using thought alone? This is now a reality – and the technological revolution is only just beginning.These advances are promising when they make it possible to find treatments for mental or neurological pathologies, or when they give a totally paralysed patient the possibility of communicating, or regaining some mobility. But the ethical questions that neuroscience raises are commensurate with the hopes it generates. It is therefore urgent to establish safeguards to fill these gaps and guarantee the effective protection of citizens against the possible use of their brain data. This is what UNESCO’s international bioethics committee recommends in its latest report.
Language: English Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, Spanish
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