Partnering for development: Harnessing the synergies between innovation policies and industrial policies

image of Partnering for development: Harnessing the synergies between innovation policies and industrial policies

African countries have reached a defining point where stocktaking is not only necessary but also vital, particularly as they prepare to address the new development goals contained in 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It is widely acknowledged that sustainable development rests more broadly on stable industrial development of a kind that can deliver better livelihoods and eradicate poverty, as reflected in several goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Goal 9 of the SDGs encapsulates the dual objectives of promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization and fostering innovation. In this context, innovation and industrial development are highly relevant from an African perspective, and are being extensively supported by newer literature emerging on the topic.

Связанные Темы : Economic and Social Development
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