The Role of Migrant Care Workers in Ageing Societies

Report on Research Findings in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada and the United States

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This report represents the comparative results of a research project on the role of migrants in the workforce of caregivers for the elderly in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada and the United States. The purpose of the study is to examine 1) the contextual factors influencing current and future demand for care workers in an ageing society, particularly migrant care workers, 2) the experiences of migrant workers, of their employers, and of older people in institutional care (residential and nursing care homes) and in home-based care; 3) the implications of the employment of migrant workers in the care of older people for the working conditions of the migrants concerned and for the quality of care; 4) the implications of these findings for the future care of older people and for migration policy and practice.

Sustainable Development Goals:
Related Subject(s): Migration


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