CEPAL Review No. 100, April 2010
  • E-ISSN: 16840348


This paper sets out a strategy for invigorating development in Latin America by taking advantage of specific opportunities in the current context and the advantages offered by the region. It briefly analyses the characteristics of globalization and the techno-economic paradigm of the information and communications technology revolution in order to identify new opportunities in terms of markets, positioning in global networks and technological options. From this perspective, it argues that natural resource-based process industries can complement the specialization of Asia in assembly industries. Given the low rate of employment in the former, it proposes a dual strategy that includes promoting “bottom-up” wealth creation by taking advantage of the new flexibility in technological diversity, transport and trade. The idea is to stimulate policy debate and experimentation and signpost some avenues of research.

الموضوعات ذات الصلة: Drugs Crime and Terrorism

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